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Stéphane Bonnery, Paul Pasquali
Revue française de pédagogie, n°217/2022
« Le "métier d'enfant" » 50 ans après : penser l'éducation et la socialisation avec Jean-Claude Chamboredon
"Le 'métier d'enfant'"50 years after: Thinking education and socialisation with Jean-Claude Chamboredon
Fifty years ago, Jean-Claude Chamboredon and Jean Prévot published "Le 'métier d'enfant'", a seminal article followed by other publications on early childhood and, more generally, on socialisation at different stages of life. This special issue mobilise concepts, problems and approaches that are inspired by these publications and aim to update them

Joël Bisault, Yann Lhoste
RDST, n°22/2020
Les sciences et les technologies pour les élèves de 2 à 6 ans
Science and technology education for 2 to 6 year olds
Research on the scientific and technological education of very young pupils has been developing significantly in recent years in France and in other countries. However, this research is still limited compared to that on older pupils. The articles provide some answers in these three directions, and also point to questions that are still open;